Aaron Malone wrote:
> We do our best. :)
And it's appreciated, believe me!
> Actually, thinking about this (and these observations are pre-coffee, mind you),
> my impressions are a bit different. Most guys (and a few women) I know have a
> tendency to do this, but not because they expect the rest of the conversants to
> defer. These kinds of people seem to view discussion as sort of a
> King-Of-The-Hill situation, where they make a grab for power (or whatever) by
> moving the focal point of the discussion to them, and the longer they keep it
> there, the more points they get.
<nods slowly>
And do people who value the King-of-the-Hill points less, wind up not having
their issues and thoughts discussed?
I'm afraid I don't see quite how this differs from my 'women appear to be
accultured to defer' situation - unless you're saying it's that it's not
a passive thing (deference) but an active thing (grabbing for the
Are you able to clarify at all?
And I'd be inclined to say it's probably a bit of both - but then, I tend to
aim for the middle-ground in social contexts. :)
> Aaargh. It sounded better in my head, I can't elaborate on ideas this early. :)
Ideas always sound better in your head. :)
Jenn V.
Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
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