Deirdre Saoirse wrote:

> On Mon, 1 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(Stuff about deference)

I tend to defer to Ellen ( as friend who is a mathematician) on math. She tends to
defer to me on biology and biiochemistry). Because of our areas of expertise. My
wonderment is why certain things kind of always get believed. LIke why do guy
Z(0verall) tend to get into the "Alpha Male with a "harm" when this is based on
limited primmest studies. No one mentions other primates because it is is socially
embarrassing. Conflict resolution via having sex. Bobobobos do this. Chimps often
do things more violently., do they get mentioned more. In fact if one is male a
book has statements about the natural violence of males act who female chimps act
ass cheerleaders,

The problem worth all this is that it id nice and clean cut and ignores a lot of
primate behavior to project the desired behaviors on humans. THere are lots of
close primate species to pick from  The same way I say a every sloppy Discovery TV
program on sexuality and it was mainly out to emphphasiae the status quo. It was
pretty shoody.

Now in linun/unix environments I have seen women d=given deference when they were
the system admins or things like that that, an expert on some program or an
acknowseleged authority//

Have FUn.
Sends Steve

P.S. should this go to he grills group?


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