On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:43:51 -0400, Amanda Knox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I find the anti-deps helped me enormously and gave me enough of a
>head start that I could crawl out of that dark hole I was in. I think
>they are definately over-prescribed (as much as ADHD is
>over-diagnosed, IMO), but if they are properly administered they can
>(not always) do wonders for the patient.

I think the problem is that many people are given Prozac who do not
need it.  Like most psychoactives, Prozac works wonderfully when
appropriate, and causes problems when not.

I take Zoloft and it's a godsend; without it I would be virtually
nonfunctional (if not dead).  It seems likely that I won't need it
when I get my approval for spirolactone and premarin -- my depression
is clearly linked to my gender dysphoria, and treating that should
improve things considerably. :)

As far as the broader issue of depression in geeks, I'm leery.  I'm
sure we've all seen the articles that talk about geeks and autism.
I'm not comfortable with making broad claims like that.  


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