wow. hear hear.
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Ingrid Schupbach
> > What about changing your nick?
> Changing my nick is not an option. I am proud of who I am; I am proud to
> be a female linux user. If it's true that women get treated badly on
> occasion by male linux users, why is the correct solution that the women
> go underground? Why should we just accept the world as it is? When I
> walk by a construction site and some boorish worker makes a lewd remark,
> should I start disguising myself as a man? Or do I get to turn around,
> face him as myself and say, "f*ck you - you're a sexist ape." I'm not
> censoring, I'm reserving my right to fire back. I say it's ok to feel
> angry, I say it's ok to shout at the top of my lungs and rant all I want.
> That's my fair portion of free speech. So don't tell me to go hide and
> suck it up.
> I don't think that declaring sexist comments and actions as
> protected under "freedom of speech" makes them any less hurtful. Free
> speech gives me the right to tell the actors I don't like what they have
> to say.
> Ingrid
> ************
Rikki McGinty
Editor, open source IT
212 448-6605