On 16/03/2012 08:29, no-re...@cfengine.com wrote:
> Forum: CFEngine Help
> Subject: Re: CFEngine Help: Bundle meta data
> Author: mark
> Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,25271,25289#msg-25289
> Yes I also considered this prefix idea to be a possibility (rather than a 
> special scope).
> What kind of extra attributes do you envisage? I am quite curious!
There is one attribute that I feel would be important : "require" (or 
something like that). Beeing able to document in my promises that it 
requieres something outside it, like saying
"require" slist =>  { "cfengine_stdlib:110"}; (the name of the 
dependency, and the version)

It would clearly show that it cannot (or shouldn't) work with a version 
before the revision 110, and it'll help making sure that part are not 
mangled or forgotten when porting modification from a dev environnement 
to a test (or prod) environnement

The version is an another issue by itself :)


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