On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:52 AM,  Mark Burgess wrote:
> I have been thinking about the issue of metadata for bundles, e.g. such as 
> author and version, and have been through a number of alternatives in my head,
> The problem I have with each of them is that they either change syntax in an 
> ad hoc way to something that is not a natural promise, or they separate the 
> metadata into a separate body. Neither of these seems acceptable.
> My best answer, which requires no immediate feature implementation is to do 
> this by best practices, using reserved variables.
> vars:
>  "bundle_author" string => "kermit";
>  "bundle_version" string => "1.2.3 frog legs";
> These  are private and can then be used as variables, and examined using 
> functions $(bundle.bundle_version) for validation.

Thank you, Mark.  Metadata is variable so this solution fits the
existing framework very well.

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