On 03/15/2012 07:01 AM, Mark Burgess wrote:
> Thanks Eric, I had exactly the same thought. The problem with this 
> approach is that introduces "body syntax" within a bundle, which will be 
> confusing and will weaken the integrity of the language (and parser). 
> That is my main objection to this.
> What do others think?

I agree that specific syntax breaks the integrity and consistency of the

To keep consistency you could do something like this.
        author  => "kermit";
        email   => "ker...@muppetshow.example.com";
        version => "42";
        purpose => "Make sure Miss Piggy doesn't get angry";
        comment => "Please don't let her read this!";

I am not really convinced though
Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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