Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: CFEngine Help: Bundle meta data
Author: eystein
Link to topic:,25271,25282#msg-25282

Erik Mouw Wrote:

> In my opinion it would be better to introduce an
> optional "metadata" promise type.
> In that way you wouldn't break existing
> installations. Something like:
> metadata:
>       author  => "kermit";
>       email   => "";
>       version => "42";
>       purpose => "Make sure Miss Piggy doesn't get
> angry";
>       comment => "Please don't let her read this!";

What about a small adjustment to make it adhere the CF3 syntax:

        "author"         value => "kermit";
        "email"          value => "";
        "version"  value => "42";
        "purpose"  value => "Make sure Miss Piggy doesn't get angry";
        "comment" value => "Please don't let her read this!";

This would make it look very much like vars:, but make it explicit that it is 
metadata, avoid naming clashes and make it possible to require certain fields 
(e.g. body agent control, require_metadata => { "author", "email" }). You can 
also add the other common promise attributes like comment and handle to 
describe each key,value further.

I would like to support slists here too, though, in case some meta-data is 
better expressed by those. Comments?

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