Thanks Eric, I had exactly the same thought. The problem with this 
approach is that introduces "body syntax" within a bundle, which will be 
confusing and will weaken the integrity of the language (and parser). 
That is my main objection to this.

What do others think?


On 03/15/2012 12:19 PM, Erik Mouw wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2012, at 09:52, wrote:
>> I have been thinking about the issue of metadata for bundles, e.g. such as 
>> author and version, and have been through a number of alternatives in my 
>> head,
>> The problem I have with each of them is that they either change syntax in an 
>> ad hoc way to something that is not a natural promise, or they separate the 
>> metadata into a separate body. Neither of these seems acceptable.
>> My best answer, which requires no immediate feature implementation is to do 
>> this by best practices, using reserved variables.
>> vars:
>>   "bundle_author" string =>  "kermit";
>>   "bundle_version" string =>  "1.2.3 frog legs";
>> These  are private and can then be used as variables, and examined using 
>> functions $(bundle.bundle_version) for validation.
>> Comments?
> Hi Mark,
> I welcome that you have thought about versioning of bundles themselves! The 
> "version"
> control promise is too broad to version a CFengine installation, especially 
> when you
> import promises from several master servers: the control promise comes from 
> server A
> and has version 42, and it imports bundles from server B which in its control 
> promise
> has version 463. The client spits an error in a bundle from server B but 
> prints 42 as
> version. That is confusing and having per bundle versions would decrease that 
> kind
> of confusion.
> The problem I have with introducing reserved variables, is that there will 
> always
> be -somebody- who actually uses them in an existing promise, and no matter how
> well you have thought about the consequences, the introduction of reserved 
> variables
> will break things in ways you never envisioned.
> In my opinion it would be better to introduce an optional "metadata" promise 
> type.
> In that way you wouldn't break existing installations. Something like:
> metadata:
>       author  =>  "kermit";
>       email   =>  "";
>       version =>  "42";
>       purpose =>  "Make sure Miss Piggy doesn't get angry";
>       comment =>  "Please don't let her read this!";
> Once you have introduced that in the language you can start to use it. You 
> can start
> with printing the version in error messages, but a nice feature would be to 
> be able
> to require certain known good versions of bundles, which requires a way to 
> compare
> version numbers. In the open source world we all love long and complicated 
> version
> numbers (v1.2.3-pre4-beta5), but that makes it hard to compare versions: if 
> "better
> than '1.2.3 frog legs'" is required, how would you tell the system that 
> '1.2.3-rc1'
> satisfies that requirement? I think the only way to solve that is to require 
> that
> the version metadata promise is either something numerical (int, float) which 
> makes
> comparison easy, or you make it a string and use strcmp() to compare versions.
> Both ways have their pros and cons, but from the principle of least surprise a
> numerical version has the least amount of corner cases.
> Food for thought, hope this helps :-)
> Regards,
> Erik


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