On 03/15/2012 11:01 AM, Brian Bennett wrote:
> Are there already existing reserved local variable names? I don't know 
> of any and I'd be resistant to starting this trend just for versioning.
> Should this simply be a best practice? In other words, what exactly 
> does reserving the word gain us since, as Mark said, no matter how hard
> you try someone somewhere will be using that word (and maybe it's just
> me but I'd prefer to put metadata in an array anyway).

I think that the metadata will be put to use by some new tools on the
horizon so I think reserving a name would make the most sense. Putting
it in an array seems to me like it would decrease the possibility of
name space conflict and I kind of like how an array would group them

As I said before personally I still like a metadata promise, but that
would not force the metadata to be tied directly to a bundle, as I
understand how the language works you would be able to define your
metadata in any other bundle unless there was some new restriction put
in place where you couldn't promise metadata types for other bundles.  I
agree with Mark that doing anything like that would break the integrity
of the language.

Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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