Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: CFEngine Help: Bundle meta data
Author: sauer
Link to topic:,25277,25300#msg-25300

Rather than using a reserved name, why not a reserved namespace?  If you define 
a namespace using a current reserved word, then you could simply define 
variables like, bundle.version, etc.  They'd still be scoped within 
the current bundle, and using the actual name "bundle" is certain to not 
conflict with an existing namespace.  You'd be free to designate a few 
"special" names, such as version, within that new namespace.  

You could theoretically define a prefix for free-form fields, allowing for 
future expansion.  So, perhaps the bundle namespace is restricted to 
pre-defined variables, only allowing bundle.user_* to be user-defined.

In any case, I'd ask that the version "container" be able to strip out 
non-numbers, so that those of us who use revision control systems like 
CVS/Subversion can more easily put in keywords like "$Version: 123$" and 
reference that as just 123. :)

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