On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 08:27, Vailton Renato <vail...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I developed an tool some months ago that reads all the source code on
> folder /harbour/src +  /harbour/contrib and compare it with the
> existing documentation in /harbour/doc and show me what has documented
> and what source files are modified. This tool works as a visual
> front-end to edit the documentation in the form NF.
Is this tool in Delphi too? I dont know if we was thinking the same
thing, but anyway If yours are in Delphi I still want to do on mine,
maybe some part can be used on HBIDE. As both tools work in NanForum
format, both tools can be useful without conflicts. I am really
focusing on easy of use, handling of all TXTs in doc/LANG and
contrib/HBNNN/doc/LANG folders without manual loading, and
multilanguage, but mine is starting and yours seems to be done. At
least, with your tool and directly into the TXTs maybe someone can
start writing documentation right now.

> Additionally wrote an application that reads the format NF and exports
> to HTML + CSS into an format to integrate the project site ... I just
> did it as temporary tool, specific to this need and I developed it in
> Delphi (which is a language I know well) to run on my CPU with Windows
> and for my needs it is helping me as well, although it lacks some
> details to be completely ready .
> Since I could not waste time because our time is short, I opted for
> that for me it was faster ... Do you think this could be useful in
> this process?
I was thinking about parse into a database for the web, like mysql+php
so we can search for commands online and so on, but this is a future
step. For me, the lack of documentation is the true problem. As you
already have this temporary tool, I believe that you can use it and
share the result files somewere while we don't have another ready for

> Regards,
> Vailton Renato
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Finally, If anyone really want to write documentation, there is no
reason to wait for any tool, it's just a matter of pick up any text
editor and start writing. Converting it into any other format after is
the easy part. Nothing that copy+paste and some little formating won't
do (just my opinion, anyway).

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