Ok Viktor,
I suggested the pattern because on other open-source projects I follow
and participate, they use the pattern "xx-YY", but I will use the
rules for Harbour project. I hope you guys understands that I not
trying to impose anything. I'm just trying to help using my knowledge
and experience from other spheres!

2010/2/20 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
>> It's just a pattern, so we all know that always be "xx-YY" for ALL
>> languages and not "xx" for that one and for the other, but for another
>> it is "xx-YY", i guess! See! To avoid more things to think about!
> But this pattern is not true to the standard,
> it can also be "xx", "xx-YYY", "xx-yyyyy-zzz",
> see the RFC. Each have different and meaningful
> meanings.
>> I've just made an admonition: "en-EN" does not exists.
> I know, that's why I started this discussion
> in the first place :)
>> If we follow a pattern, it will be one less thing to be concerned about. :-)
> I think we should follow the standard,
> rather than a limited pattern.
> If we invent our own pattern, it will not be possible
> to interchange our language code with tools which
> adhere to standards.
> BTW we should only worry about this _once_ for each
> language we translate our documentation to. So
> far we have bits in English and Spanish only, so
> it's not very complicated. Moreover IMO we should
> first concentrate on English only.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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Daniel Gonçalves
Base4 Sistemas Ltda.
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