I think that what docuwiki does, we already have. Most of us can write
some prg to convert NF to docuwiki. Its not so hard to make a parser
to exhibit the NF as wiki on the web instead of exchange text to
another text, OR we shoud move to more complex structures to justify
the change.

As I have proposed to write new HBQt demos, I had an idea today: Maybe
the first of them could be a basic visual NanForum command help
editor, that scans the correct Harbour folder, hides the NF format for
the contributors, by presenting the respective fields as PlainText
boxes, and agregate all .txt with $doc$ / $end$ declarations
accessible within one interface, so people can stop thinking about the
help format and start to write documentation in fact. By doing the
properly folder scan, I can extend it to multilanguage also.

Opinions are welcome.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 14:17, Antonio Linares <antonioharb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Viktor,
> DokuWiki uses a plain text (ascii) file for each wiki page. i.e. see
> this function:
> http://wiki.fivetechsoft.com/doku.php?id=fivewin_function_abortdoc
> This is the ascii file stored for it:
> ====== AbortDoc() ======
> Stop a print job
> ====== Syntax: ======
> AbortDoc(<hDC> ) --> nSuccess
> ====== Parameters: ======
> | <hDC> | Device context for the print job. |
> ====== Returns: ======
> | <nSuccess> | Return value is greater than zero if the function is
> successful. |
> ====== Sample: ======
> ====== Source Code: ======
> As you can see, we can easily import to DokuWiki or export from it. In
> fact, our initial version was exported from our help files and
> imported as docuwiki pages using a simple Harbour app :-)
> Anyhow, I am not trying to convince anybody here. I just exposing my
> own experience about documentation. Meanwhile there is not an easy and
> quick way to update the docs, they will always be outdated. Even using
> a wiki, we have to do an effort to keep it updated :-)
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