
> As I have proposed to write new HBQt demos, I had an idea today: Maybe
> the first of them could be a basic visual NanForum command help
> editor, that scans the correct Harbour folder, hides the NF format for
> the contributors, by presenting the respective fields as PlainText
> boxes, and agregate all .txt with $doc$ / $end$ declarations
> accessible within one interface, so people can stop thinking about the
> help format and start to write documentation in fact. By doing the
> properly folder scan, I can extend it to multilanguage also.

I developed an tool some months ago that reads all the source code on
folder /harbour/src +  /harbour/contrib and compare it with the
existing documentation in /harbour/doc and show me what has documented
and what source files are modified. This tool works as a visual
front-end to edit the documentation in the form NF.

Additionally wrote an application that reads the format NF and exports
to HTML + CSS into an format to integrate the project site ... I just
did it as temporary tool, specific to this need and I developed it in
Delphi (which is a language I know well) to run on my CPU with Windows
and for my needs it is helping me as well, although it lacks some
details to be completely ready .

Since I could not waste time because our time is short, I opted for
that for me it was faster ... Do you think this could be useful in
this process?

Vailton Renato
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