On Dec 3, 2007 1:53 PM, Thomas Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 02/12/2007, Robert-André Mauchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't think this is a good idea. Actually we do translate the \"top\"
> > and other attributes to give informations about it. For example in
> > french translation :
> >
> >         #: ../src/theme-parser.c:1540
> >         #, c-format
> >         msgid "No \"top\" attribute on element <%s>"
> >         msgstr "Aucun attribut « top » (« haut ») sur l'élément <%s>"
> Ah, I see what you mean. A brief overview of the languages used in
> Metacity shows that, for theme-parser.c:1547:
> Languages which contain the keyword "bottom" and clearly (to me) don't
> translate it at all: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ca cs da de es eu fi hu it lt nb nl pl
> pt ro ru sk sl [EMAIL PROTECTED] sr sv th uk
> Languages which include the word "bottom" and also translate it: fr vi
That really depends, in Spanish we won't translate it if its an HTML
tag, but if its not something standard as a programming language or
any other, we will, from metacity:

#: ../src/theme.c:208
msgid "bottom"
msgstr "inferior"

In fact, meny times the problem is that we don't have enough context
to translate.

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