Alec Warner wrote:

> I bet if I was infra I'd be wondering what my options were since:
> bugs is a pretty critical part of developing; AND
> you can't just host it anywhere; AND
> the hardware needed for it to perform is expensive; AND
> they did not know what the problem was at first

Yes, its been hard to find a place that I feel totally comfortable with
moving such a service. The service at the OSL is hard to beat, but
they're loaded enough with other projects as it is. I'm hoping that
moving this will help their load as well.

> And yes bugs is slow and yes it sucks, but bitching about it doesn't
> accomplish anything :x

Exactly :-) How would you feel if I nagged you every other day about why
cvs hasn't been migrated, and that I'm bringing the council into it
because you're not fast enough and being ignorant for help? I think you
know how I'm feeling now then. I fail to see how the constant nagging
helps the situation. The logic escapes me. There are more constructive
ways of finding out the status of a problem/solution.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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