Simon Stelling wrote:

> I'm not out to blame anybody, but if infra had communicated what the
> problem exactly is once they found it out, you wouldn't have ended up
> with all those "I'm sick and tired of your "we're working on it"".
> Asking people for patience is easy, but it's hard to swallow when you
> don't understand what the problem is at all.

I'm pretty sure this has been explained in the bug, IRC conversation,
emails, countless times. It may not have been as summarized as he put
it, but I know we mentioned the table locking issues at some point
somewhere. I haven't looked at the bug, so you can prove me wrong. I
thought we had explained those issues somewhere (maybe -core?).

But yeah, I totally agree.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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