> On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 13:20 +0000, Alec Warner wrote:
>> > No, not really. Just that I'd expect kinda more proactive approach
>> than
>> > the one demonstrated fex. in
>> > http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=128588#c29 (and a bit more
>> > flexible approach to other alternatives, such as HW/hosting offers
>> we've
>> > received before) and that have been declined for various strange
>> reasons.
>> Linking to a bug where you make crazed comments about how bugs isn't
>> fixed!!!!1111oneone and that dammit someone should do something
>> now!!!1111 doesn't really help your case.
>> I bet if I was infra I'd be wondering what my options were since:
>> bugs is a pretty critical part of developing; AND
> yes
>> you can't just host it anywhere; AND
> it's not _that_ much hardware (and bandwidth) needed
>> the hardware needed for it to perform is expensive; AND
> for a single person yes. For a sponsor (or a group of sponsors) it may
> be ok
>> they did not know what the problem was at first
> And even there it took some heavy prodding to get people to look at the
> problem.
> After about half a year of waiting, with people we would consider
> reliable offering pretty much everything from hosting to hardware, it's
> hard to listen to the "be patient" mantra without thinking "omgwtfbbq,
> it is _still_ not fixed?". Especially since bugs is considered an
> important part of our infrastructure.
>> As in, you don't just grab the first dual proc system that was offered
>> out of some guys basement to host bugs on.
> Agreed, but I'd say a webhoster with >1000 machines should know what
> they are doing.
>>   You need a dedicated host
>> who will stick around and provide good support should something go
>> wrong.
> Only experience can tell you how they will respond, and even reliable
> sponsors could get axed if their managment changes. We have almost no
> hardware in Europe, that's a huge untapped ressource ...
>>   You need expensive hardware ( I believe we got a blade server
>> with 3 blades in it, which is fscking expensive if you haven't priced
>> one out before ).  So once again, chill out.  They are working on it.
> Dude, you don't need blades for it. Any "normal" server will do, two for
> DB and one for web frontend.
I hope you know what you are talking about and if you use 2 db's with one
database (i think you mean a sort of loadbalancing/clustering) you
practicly need double mem +10% of the size of you database...

> That we got blades is really nice and sweet, but if you check the
> traffic and throughput of bugzilla (and then double or triple that for
> future growth) you should still be able to do it easily.
> (Note to our sponsors: you rock. Keep on rocking.)
> Right now bugs is served from a 2,4Ghz P4 - that's roughly a normal
> desktop box from last year.
>> And yes bugs is slow and yes it sucks, but bitching about it doesn't
>> accomplish anything :x
> It may cause discussion that may lead to accelerated problem solving :-)
> hth,
> Patrick
> --
> Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

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