kashani wrote:
> Chris Bainbridge wrote:
>> I'm curious what the problem is with bugzilla and it's db
>> interactions? You're suggesting a specific issue rather than general
>> db performance issues like fs, io scheduling, raid1, hyperthreads,
>> etc.?
>     It's most likely related to Bugzilla using MyISAM tables by default
> which is fine in a small environment. However as concurrency grows along
> with table size those full table locks begin to cause issues.
> Additionally most www-apps are not known for their well thought out db
> schema. Performance of the underlying hardware plays a part, but can be
> overshadowed pretty quickly by query and table inefficiencies.
>     The usual fix without touching the internals of the software is
> doing master/slave replication and allowing the selects to happen on the
> slave and writes on the master. However you would need to change most of
> the queries to point to the slave server which is usually not trivial.
> It sounds like this is the path the Infra team is pursuing.


You got it right :-)

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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