
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 7:01 AM, Henning Schmiedehausen
> I did vote -1 not because I think that the current position is all fun and
> games, but because it is the adopted policy of the incubator as stated
> on the incubator pages. Changing it on a whim through a vote thread is
> IMHO not fair to the people who designed and hammered out the current
> processes [...]

We're not a static community, the processes are being designed and
hammered out as we speak. And I'd hardly call a multi-year discussion
followed by a passing vote and a followup attempt to increase
consensus a whim.

The m2-incubating-repository was created [1] based on the fact that we
didn't  push out our releases to the mirrors. The mirroring
restriction was unanimously lifted a year ago [2] so the original
reason for having a separate Maven repository is gone. And there is no
other Maven repository or release distribution policy "stated on the
incubator pages".

[1] http://markmail.org/message/whcyatm5stacw6wt
[2] http://markmail.org/message/lay6eirxd2ktskjp

> (Uh, why does this start to smell like JCP from the wrong side?)...

:-) See Bill's comment.


Jukka Zitting

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