On 27-Sep-08, at 6:37 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
And since we are paying for it...who (maven pmc?) exactly is tasked
with taking care of it?
I pay for it (which I don't mind, as I consider it part of my
obligation to the Maven user base), and Contegix is responsible for
taking care of it 24/7. And in recent months with abuse it pretty
much takes monitoring all the time, and the general increase in use
required us to put in a load balancer, another machine, and a private
network for high speed backups. Contegix is an amazing outfit and
you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who isn't impressed with them.
The central repository is in very good hands.
On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 6:13 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr.
Jason van Zyl wrote:
maven repository
- Maven TLP (now that ASF has absorbed Maven server)
The ASF has not absorbed the Maven server.
Color me confused for having approved colocation expenses some
2 meetings back. This did not happen or will not happen?
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Jason van Zyl
Founder, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com
Three people can keep a secret provided two of them are dead.
-- Unknown
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