On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 15:50 -0700, Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
> While I agree, I still feel, that you are doctoring on the symptoms
> (release distribution channels) and not the cause. The cause is that
> Apache Incubator projects and releases  are not fully endorsed by the
> ASF until graduation.

You need to clarify what "endorsed" means. It _is_ endorsed as "open
source", but not as "open development". 

That is to say, we will vouch for the IP rights, etc on an incubator
release, and we can guarantee that those bits will be available forever.

We are not yet confident that there will be a community actively
developing that code, so we cannot vouch for its ongoing development or
support. If you use the code, you use it at your own risk - that is, you
may well find yourself having to maintain the code base yourself.

Really, that is the clear and simple basis of incubator releases. And
that, to my mind, is the basis upon which we should be discussing the
questions of disclaimers and of distribution channels.

> Change that. Then everything else falls into place. Personally, I would
> have no problem at all to drop the "must build community" aspect and
> reduce the incubator to a mandatory IP-clearing house, that allows
> projects to go through in mere weeks instead of years.

That would be a shame. I think helping build community is one of the
things we can do well.


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