On Sep 29, 2008, at 10:03 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:
Thinking about this as the thread has drawn on has caused me to
change my mind from a -1 to a +1. The reason for the shift is my
own twisted rationale that
a) users most likely don't care about dependencies a project uses
but are more concerned about getting the functionality of the main
project they download. If the user cares that much the information
is not hidden.
b) there is nothing really hidden about incubator releases as they
have the scarlet letter in their artifact name *-incubator.
c) For projects that do choose to use the incubator project their
life is complicated and they have to do some unnatural things.
d) It makes the use of Incubator artifacts more difficult to consume
and is contrary to the goal of growing a community that are
interested in the Incubator projects.
When we finally get back to voting I'll vote in favor of releasing
the artifacts to the central repo.
Can't say that I'd alter my *minority* vote, but will state that I
have no problem following the opinion of the *majority* on the vote. I
agree that it's a good goal to form a community consensus. However,
doesn't mean that it must be established in all cases.
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