Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
The cause is that
Apache Incubator projects and releases are not fully endorsed by the
ASF until graduation.

Is that true? They're releases by a PMC, just like any other, no? They generally have more oversight than other releases, not less.

Change that. Then everything else falls into place. Personally, I would
have no problem at all to drop the "must build community" aspect and
reduce the incubator to a mandatory IP-clearing house, that allows
projects to go through in mere weeks instead of years.


The community requirements are not primarily for the users of the code, but for contributors. Who would want to dedicate significant effort to a non-meritocratically run project? We want contributors to trust that their contributions will be given a fair evaluation, and that they have a fair shot at helping to control a project's destiny. Projects without diverse communities offer little such confidence. This is what distinguishes the ASF from code that a company publishes under the Apache License and accepts patches for. We offer folks the opportunity to get involved as first-class contributors with a real chance to influence projects. This is important, since folks don't want to get locked into technology that they have no control over.

A bonus side effect is that diverse communities are stronger and more immune to the loss of a single contributing entity, but that's not the core motivation for diversity.

In the case of incubating projects, the diversity of the IPMC enforces the level playing field for contributors.


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