Florian Effenberger wrote (15-12-11 00:41)

- So, whatever I do, someone will be upset.
Poor them ;-) No serious, I don't think people involved in this 
discussion will be really upset. Maybe slightly disappointed. But hey :-)
- I myself would like to keep reply-to mangling as is, as I have set it
up for good reasons.

- We have been discussing that issue for two months now without any
clear result, it still is that some people want it, some don't.
I stopped following it closely a long time ago.
Simple, because the time involved in the discussion isn't worth the possible improvement/cost ratio. At least not IMHO.
I'm fine with all solutions - simply adapt to Ctrl-R or Ctrl-SHft-R.
And I notice that all people, myself included, sometimes hit the wrong keys :-)
So, what shall I do? Flip a coin?
Do what you suggest three paragraphs up ;-) That's the best, Florian.


 - Cor
 - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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