Hi Michael, *,

Am 06.12.2011 09:40 schrieb Michael Meeks:


>> Anyways, which lists would you like to start trying it on?

>       The one I'd like to interact with from time to time & don't is the
> website list :-) but I'd expect the same noise there ...

>> IMHO that causes lots of problem. I see myself purging files from the 
>> archive because people did not know they were posting in public.

>       Grief, does anyone provide an embarrassing mail removal service ? if
> so, I'd like to use it ;-)

[1] I personally don't consider this way of estimating other
contributors contributions, one forwoarding a successful and happy


>       And of course; I'm a proponent of not mangling Reply-To: on lists, not
> to annoy people :-), but because I truly believe it gives the very best
> interaction experience for clueful developers arriving from the outside
> and dipping their toes in.

remember: I'm as well. And all "noise" I produce about it targets to
make this change a success ;o))

> The good idea of testing it out somewhere comes from the sysadmin
> team,

That's only partially true. In fact it was Florian coming from nowhere
doing a proposal[2], while stating at any opportunity this beeing a bad
idea(for example[4]). This makes me perceive he's not very interested
this change beeing a successful one.
[2] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.documentfoundation.moderators/220

It was me bringing this to public[3], because I'm really concerned,
even starting a test without *broad support* doing damage. Settling
broad support goes along with setting up a target, reasonable and
interesting to aim to, collecting supporters, which catch and cure the
trapped and thus keep them beeing contributors. For this task, we have
to start *where we are now* instead of *where it was nice to be*,
regardless how well or not so well we prepared this decision in the past
(by introducing this setting).
[3] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.documentfoundation.discuss/7433

Everything apart, for me is kind of hidden or open vote with a looser
party and a winner party. I don't consider this a good way to go for a
community like ours.

To say it short: We've to determine the nail we all want to hit. If we
don't so, we'll continue to hit thumbs. :o))

> and it seems we're iterating towards a consensus that the discuss list
> is perhaps not the best place to start before any change took place
> ;-)

Well I don`t see what this list makes less suitable for that "test" than
any other (including website).

Questions about test criteria as answer on Florian's Mail:

>       HTH,

.. not much regarding my concerns of a failure of this "test".




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