Hi guys,

        I'm just calming down from the feature-freeze frenzy a little, and
reading the thread; there are a lot of good points here.
On Tue, 2011-11-29 at 10:01 +0100, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> I wanted to start on a high-volume list to see the impact. But looking 
> at the replies, I think we should indeed vary from list to list. For 
> discuss@ maybe it is not desired...

        So - an end-user focused list (packed with the clueless like NoOp
describes) is perhaps not the best place to start. If people don't know
what an E-mail list is ;-) then fending them off to the forums would
perhaps be better. On the other hand as NoOp says (again :-) that means
we should ban people from direct posting to these lists without being
subscribed (with a nice rejection message explaining the long steps they
need to do to subscribe, and pointing them at a web forum I guess).

> Anyways, which lists would you like to start trying it on?

        The one I'd like to interact with from time to time & don't is the
website list :-) but I'd expect the same noise there ...

> IMHO that causes lots of problem. I see myself purging files from the 
> archive because people did not know they were posting in public.

        Grief, does anyone provide an embarrassing mail removal service ? if
so, I'd like to use it ;-)

        There was also the point raised that people will occassionally reply
only to the sender, and not to the list. That's certainly true -
especially with newbies. These need gentle encouragement to interact in
public which can take some effort. Sometimes they just want to talk
individually - and I think those inter-relational connections and
friendships are worth encouraging as well (they don't concern me).

        And of course; I'm a proponent of not mangling Reply-To: on lists, not
to annoy people :-), but because I truly believe it gives the very best
interaction experience for clueful developers arriving from the outside
and dipping their toes in. The good idea of testing it out somewhere
comes from the sysadmin team, and it seems we're iterating towards a
consensus that the discuss list is perhaps not the best place to start
before any change took place ;-)



michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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