
Michael Meeks wrote on 2011-11-28 16:45:

        Cool ! :-) having said that, I'd prefer it to be tried on a less
high-volume list, where we could see the utility of attracting more
participants (personally).

I wanted to start on a high-volume list to see the impact. But looking at the replies, I think we should indeed vary from list to list. For discuss@ maybe it is not desired...

Anyways, which lists would you like to start trying it on?

        To me a huge benefit of not reply-to mangling is to allow new people to
interact with the list (and get replies to their mail) without being
subscribed; that provides an easy on-ramp into the project, and

IMHO that causes lots of problem. I see myself purging files from the archive because people did not know they were posting in public. And I see moderators moderating lots of messages... both not desirable. ;-) But maybe I'm exaggerating here, and giving it a try definitely shows the results, so let's do it.

Of course, I would expect it to be opposed by people who are already
members of a given community, and like not getting personal replies to
messages in threads they start.

I will adjust my filters soon, because getting replies in the inbox instead of in the list folder is annoying. But, ah, I think there is no real ideal solution to things. :)


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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