
Friedrich Strohmaier wrote on 2011-12-14 23:56:
So go ahead! Enjoy the impact You might cause. Enjoy counting corpses.

Corpse's Bride is a nice movie, but I guess you are not talking about it. ;-)

So, my point is the following:

- I have people strongly asking for disabling reply-to mangling, e.g. on the website list.

- I have people strongly asking for leaving reply-to mangling as is.

- So, whatever I do, someone will be upset.

- I myself would like to keep reply-to mangling as is, as I have set it up for good reasons.

- We have been discussing that issue for two months now without any clear result, it still is that some people want it, some don't.

So, what shall I do? Flip a coin?

Nobody really knows what happens when we enable it. So, my proposal was, to try it out - after announcing this test - on a list where it was demanded, and where people are probably technically savvy enough to deal with it.

What exactly is wrong about this proposal? What did I miss? This question is serious, no pun intended. I really feel like sitting between two chairs, and try to find the best compromise possible.

Again, people left to me ask for leaving things as is, people right to me ask for changing them. What now?


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