Hi Florian, *,

first of all I agree with the statement of Uwe..

Am 15.12.2011 00:41 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
> Friedrich Strohmaier wrote on 2011-12-14 23:56:

>> So go ahead! Enjoy the impact You might cause. Enjoy counting corpses.

> Corpse's Bride is a nice movie, but I guess you are not talking about
> it. ;-)

definitely not - I'm not a cineast, don't like that kind of movie and
never saw it :o))

> So, my point is the following:

> - I have people strongly asking for disabling reply-to mangling, e.g. on
> the website list.

Which shows: having this discussion split didn't help much, as this
support is missing here. Where were all those poking You, to assist
while You were advocating *their* request?

> - I have people strongly asking for leaving reply-to mangling as is.
> - So, whatever I do, someone will be upset.


> - I myself would like to keep reply-to mangling as is, as I have set it
> up for good reasons.

As Uwe told, this is the escape for You. You're a volunteer, why should
You do anything you're not convinced of and where additionally no broad
support is shown.

As well the proposal of Charles (Tanstaafl) of having a choice
while subscribing is worth considering. Maybe there is a possibility to
have a further subscribing mode with mlmmj. If possible, this might be
not ideal, but should be no problem for a dev mind. But this is nothing
to be in effect within days.

The good news: Since the beginning there is a volunteer from the admin
team, happy to solve the issue. Not withdrawing his offer (well,
thinking several times about it).

- it's me! :o)) I'm in favor of switching off reply-to mangling, but
without hurting valueable contributors, we urgently need.

As I'm tired now, I'll stress that more in a (near ;o))) future mail and
as well the following questions.

Apart of the subject of this thread, my answer on Michaels Mail
(The part after bashing You ;o)) might give a rough draft about my plan.

And yes, this will need time and work, and yes, I'm aware we're
suffering from missing contributions by people not pleased with the
current setting. And finally: No, we cannot afford to loose recent
contributors, upset by a change they don't support nor understand.

[.. more questions to be answered later ..]

Friedrich Strohmaier
- Admin team -
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