"Friedrich Strohmaier" <damokles4-lis...@bits-fritz.de> wrote in message
Hi Harold, *,
Am 30.11.2011 11:59 schrieb Harold Fuchs:
I think the idea that a simple "Reply" should only go the OP is very
Thanks for uncovering other contributor's real nature, who have
different opinion|experience.
Great to see You're not affected..
I'm really not sure what this means. I think I should say "thank you for the
1. People will not be able to see whether or not a question has been
answered, or if it has been answered "well".
2. People who didn't ask the question might nevertheless be interested
in [some aspect(s) of] the answer but they won't get it.
3. Many of the people who ask questions are not technically familiar
with the intricacies of e-mail. Thus, if they have a follow up to an
answer and just hit Reply (which they will because they don't know
"better"), that follow up will *only* go to the person who responded to
the original question instead of to the list.
4. In general the scheme will proliferate "private" conversations which
is the exact opposite of the intention behind using a list.
5. If you want this sort of behaviour, use a *forum* where the
questioner can "subscribe" to only his/her question threads
You describe a scenario of people with zero experience in mailinglist
discussion. These definitely are a minority, where a significant part of
is willing to learn how to do well. As mentioned earlier: technical
reply issues are *one* of several things to learn to handle.
Here I have to disagree. The people who most need the help are the least
experienced. Also, as time goes by users of Office Suites have less and less
experience of "real" internet usage. The concept of a mailing list is
increasingly unknown. Many (most?) think they are talking to a help desk and
will only hit Reply with no understanding that Reply All is necessary. You
want support, contact the company that supplied the product. Someone replies
and you want more, just reply. It's one-to-one. It's bad enough trying to
explain to the *users* the differences between a mail-list, a Usenet group
and a web forum. Even apparently experienced users don't know the difference
between News (NNTP) and Mail (SMTP). Just trawl the OOo Users list for
In addition, as someone who has frequently answered questions in the OOo
Users list, I don't *want* private mail. My filters put OOo mail in a
special folder. That all gets messed up when people reply directly to me. I
know many other OOo volunteers do the same.
So, *please* keep the Address Mangling ot force people to use a forum -
which I like even less but that's another discussion.
Perhaps for "expert" groups like Dev, the idea *might* be OK
Things to learn to reply in a useful way, don't require expert skills.
Ideally its a matter of learning a handful *simple* rules, to handle
*all* situations.
but for the lists designed for general support I really don't think it
is sensible.
If You define "providing advice for people not related to the project
work" as "general support" You're right. But there are many community
people who already expressed their opinion, mailinglists not being the
best choice for that - I'm one of those ;o)).
Friedrich Strohmaier
Melchingen/Germany ;o))
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