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[batch2] is there a need for any of these functions?
Dimitrios Efthymiou
[Numbers][Math] Re: [batch2] is there a need for any of these functions?
Gilles Sadowski
Is there a need for any of these math functions?
Dimitrios Efthymiou
RE: Re: [FileUpload] 2.0.0-M1 soon [Was] Re: Re: Release Commons Fileupload 1.4.1?
[pool] Creating the 2.x branch
Phil Steitz
Re: [pool] Creating the 2.x branch
Gary Gregory
Re: [pool] Creating the 2.x branch
Phil Steitz
Re: [commons-lang] 04/04: Throw IllegalArgumentException instead of InternalError in the builder package
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [commons-lang] 04/04: Throw IllegalArgumentException instead of InternalError in the builder package
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-lang] 02/02: Add IntToIntFunction
Alex Herbert
Re: [commons-lang] 02/02: Add IntToIntFunction
Gary Gregory
[commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: [commons-io] question: file content merge sort and binary search
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Gary Gregory
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Dennis Kieselhorst
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Gary Gregory
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Dennis Kieselhorst
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Gary Gregory
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
RE: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Eugene Grybinnyk
Re: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Maxim Solodovnik
Re: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Maxim Solodovnik
Re: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Dennis Kieselhorst
Re: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Gary Gregory
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Eugene Grybinnyk
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Romain Manni-Bucau
Re: commons-fileupload2-jakarta
Emmanuel Bourg
[Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Phil Steitz
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Phil Steitz
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Phil Steitz
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Phil Steitz
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Alex Herbert
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Phil Steitz
Re: [Pool] Toward version 2.12.0 and 3.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: --corrected the isUnchecked method to check for null (#1079)
Gilles Sadowski
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons Release Plugin 1.8.1
Gary Gregory
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons Build Plugin 1.13
Gary Gregory
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons Release Plugin 1.8.1
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Alex Herbert
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Gary Gregory
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Dimitrios Efthymiou
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Alex Herbert
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Dimitrios Efthymiou
Re: [commons-lang] branch master updated: [LANG-1647] Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked() #1069
Dimitrios Efthymiou
[COLLECTIONS] Thread safe Bloom filter
Claude Warren
Re: [COLLECTIONS] Thread safe Bloom filter
Alex Herbert
Re: [COLLECTIONS] Thread safe Bloom filter
Gary Gregory
Re: [COLLECTIONS] Thread safe Bloom filter
Gary Gregory
Dimitrios Efthymiou
Re: lang
Niall Pemberton
Re: lang
Re: lang
Gary Gregory
Final Reminder: Community Over Code call for presentations closing soon
Rich Bowen
[LAZY][VOTE] Release Apache Commons Release Plugin 1.8.1 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [LAZY][VOTE] Release Apache Commons Release Plugin 1.8.1 based on RC1
Rob Tompkins
Re: [LAZY][VOTE] Release Apache Commons Release Plugin 1.8.1 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
[RESULT][LAZY][VOTE] Release Apache Commons Release Plugin 1.8.1 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
[LAZY][VOTE] Release Apache Commons Build Plugin Maven Mojo 1.13 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [LAZY][VOTE] Release Apache Commons Build Plugin Maven Mojo 1.13 based on RC1
Rob Tompkins
Re: [LAZY][VOTE] Release Apache Commons Build Plugin Maven Mojo 1.13 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [LAZY][VOTE] Release Apache Commons Build Plugin Maven Mojo 1.13 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
[VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Bruno Kinoshita
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Phil Steitz
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Phil Steitz
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Phil Steitz
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Phil Steitz
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Phil Steitz
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Phil Steitz
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
[VOTE][CANCEL] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Mark Thomas
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Phil Steitz
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Phil Steitz
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons Codec 1.16.0
Gary Gregory
[CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
Gary Gregory
Re: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
Bruno Kinoshita
Re: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
Gary Gregory
Re: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
RE: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
Seth Falco
Re: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
Bruno Kinoshita
Re: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
David Dellsperger
Re: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
Gary Gregory
Re: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
Gary Gregory
RE: Re: [CSV] Strategies to handle duplicate headers
Seth Falco
[io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Gary Gregory
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Gary Gregory
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Gary Gregory
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Gary Gregory
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Gary Gregory
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Slawomir Jaranowski
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Re: [io] Possible addition of getFiles/getFileNames and Ant includes/excludes
Gary Gregory
[VOTE] Release Apache Commons Codec 1.16.0 based on RC2
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Codec 1.16.0 based on RC2
Bruno Kinoshita
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Codec 1.16.0 based on RC2
Rob Tompkins
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Codec 1.16.0 based on RC2
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Codec 1.16.0 based on RC2
Gary Gregory
[email] Jakarta namespace migration
Réda Housni Alaoui
Re: [email] Jakarta namespace migration
Gary Gregory
TAC Applications for Community Over Code North America and Asia now open
Gavin McDonald
[collections] The target Java version for 4.5
Efremov, Rodion
Re: [collections] The target Java version for 4.5
Maxim Solodovnik
Re: [collections] The target Java version for 4.5
Gary Gregory
Re: [collections] The target Java version for 4.5
Maxim Solodovnik
JDK 21 is in Rampdown / The importance of testing with Early-Access Builds
David Delabassee
[DRAFT][BOARD] Report for June 2023
Gary Gregory
Re: [dbutils]Will Apache Commons DbUtils release new version? It has not updated since 2017. Many users are waiting for the release of new version.
Gary Gregory
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons 2.13.0
Gary Gregory
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons 2.13.0
Maxim Solodovnik
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons 2.13.0
Gary Gregory
Harvey Pullen Jr.
Re: Project
Mark Thomas
Call for Presentations, Community Over Code Asia 2023
Rich Bowen
[VOTE] Release Apache Commons IO 2.13.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons IO 2.13.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons IO 2.13.0 based on RC1
Gilles Sadowski
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons IO 2.13.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons IO 2.13.0 based on RC1
Rob Tompkins
Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons IO 2.13.0 based on RC1
Bruno P. Kinoshita
[VOTE][RESULT] Release Apache Commons IO 2.13.0 based on RC1
Gary Gregory
[IO] 2.13.0 release candidate tomrrow
Gary Gregory
Volunteer Work
Miguel Munoz
Re: Volunteer Work
Gary Gregory
[IO] Commons IOIO-552 FilenameUtils.concat fails if second argument (fullFilenameToAdd) starts with '~' (tilde)
Miguel Munoz
Re: [IO] Commons IOIO-552 FilenameUtils.concat fails if second argument (fullFilenameToAdd) starts with '~' (tilde)
Gary Gregory
Re: [IO] Commons IOIO-552 FilenameUtils.concat fails if second argument (fullFilenameToAdd) starts with '~' (tilde)
Miguel Muñoz
[VFS] Help wanted for VFS-838
Gary Gregory
Re: [VFS] Help wanted for VFS-838
David Dellsperger
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