
On Wed, 9 Aug 2023 at 12:27, Daniel Watson <dcwatso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This feature is necessary when working with scientific/clinical data which
> was reported with significant figures in mind, and for which calculation
> results must respect the sigfig count. As far as I could tell there is no
> Number implementation which correctly respects this. e.g.
> "11000" has 2 significant figures,
> "11000." has 5
> ".11000" has 5
> "11000.0" has 6

This functionality is not in Commons AFAIK. Is the counting to accept
a String input?

Q. What is the use case that you would read data in text format and
have to compute the significant figures? Or are you reading data in
numeric format and computing the decimal significant figures of the
base-2 data representation? Note: Differences between base-10 and
base-2 representations can lead to an implementation that satisfies
one use case and not others due to rounding conversions (see
NUMBERS-199 [1]). I would advise against this and only support text
input when referring to decimal significant figures.

I presume you have input data of unknown precision, are computing
something with it, then outputting a result and wish to use the
minimum significant figures from the input data. If the output
significant figures are critical then this is a case where I would
expect the reported significant figures to be manually verified; thus
automation only partly increases efficiency by providing a first pass.

Note: I do not think there is an easy way to handle trailing zeros
when not all the zeros are significant [1]. This is in part due to the
different formats used for this such as an overline/underline on the
last significant digit. I do not think we wish to support parsing of
non-ascii characters and multiple options to identify significant
zeros. Thoughts on this?

Secondly, you are reliant on the text input being correctly formatted.
For example if I include the number 1, it would have to be represented
as e.g. 1.000 to not limit the significant figures of the rest of the
input data.

Thirdly, if accepting string input then you have the issue of first
identifying if the string is a number. This is non-trivial. For
example there is a function to do it in o.a.c.lang3.math in

Finding a home in commons will elicit different opinions from the
various contributors. The math and numbers projects are more related
to numeric computations. They output results in a canonical format,
typically the JDK toString representation of the number(s).
Conversions to different formats are not in scope, and parsing is
typically from the canonical format using JDK parse methods. There is
a o.a.c.text.numbers package in the text component that currently has
formatting for floating-point numbers to various text representations.
But parsing of Strings is not supported there. And lang has the

As for a class that tracks significant figures through a computation,
that will require some consideration. Do we create the class to wrap
Number and track significant digits of a configurable base. This would
allow BigDecimal with base 10, or int and double with base 2. Since
Number does not specify arithmetic then this has to be captured
somehow. It may be able to use the Numbers implementation of Field [3]
in o.a.c.numbers.field. Or simplify to only using a BigDecimal

In summary this may be simpler with an ideal use case. For example the
input is text, it must be parable to a BigDecimal and the number of
significant figures is identified using the text input. Support of
significant zeros is limited to the full length of the trailing zeros,
or the first zero if no decimal point is provided. This could be
handled with a parse method that returns both the BigDecimal and the
significant figures.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NUMBERS-199
[3] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Field.html

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