On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 8:27 PM Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have a minor source compat break still in 2.x
> The change to have BaseGenericObjectPool implement Autocloseable forced
> addition of an abstract close method.  Technically, that could break
> subclass implementations that don't implement close.  I see three options
> here.  Maybe someone else has a better idea.
> 0) Ignore the problem.  Unlikely to actually impact anyone.
> 1) Add a default implementation that
>     a) throws UnsupportedOperationException
>     b) No-Ops
>     c) does <fill in more clever thing>
> 2) Add Implements Autocloseable to the subclasses (GOP, GKOP, ...) instead
> 3) Revert the change for 2.x

Weak vote for 1b. That maintains source compatibility and the API you
want and doesn't seem likely to cause problems in any situation I can
think of.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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