Kebab case is extremely common for web identifiers, eg html element ids,
classes, attributes, etc.

In regards to PascalCase, i agree that most people won't understand the
reasoning behind the name, but it is nevertheless a widely accepted term
for that case style. If an alternative is deemed necessary then
"ProperCase" might work - since that is also how English proper nouns are
cased. Understanding that name just depends on your knowledge of English

A spec can definitely be written for the 4 provided concrete
implementations. And... I may eat these words but... the spec should not be
all that complex. I will take a stab at it.

Thanks for the feedback!
Any other thoughts or comments are welcome!


On Tue, Aug 8, 2023, 7:45 PM Elliotte Rusty Harold <>

> This is a good idea and seems like useful functionality. In order to
> accept it into commons, it needs solid documentation and excellent
> test coverage. I've worked on code like this in another language (not
> Java) and the production bugs were bad. E.g. what happens when a
> string contains numbers as well as letters?
> I'd like to see a full spec that unambiguously defines how every
> Unicode string is converted into camel/snake/kebab case. The spec
> should be independent of the code. That's not easy to write but it's
> essential.
> I don't want any loose/strict modes. It should all be strict according to
> spec.
> I've never heard of kebab cases before. Is that a common name? I'd
> also like to rename Pascal case. How many programmers under 40 have
> even heard of Pascal, much less are familiar with its case
> conventions?
> Long story short - a PR is premature until there's an agreed upon spec.
> On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 8:04 PM Daniel Watson <> wrote:
> >
> > I have a bit of code that adds the ability to parse and format strings
> into
> > various case patterns. Wanted to check if it's of worth and in-scope for
> > commons-text...
> >
> > Its a bit broader than the existing CaseUtils.toCamelCase(...) method.
> > Rather than simply formatting tokens into the case, this API adds the
> > additional goal of being able to transform one case to another. e.g.
> >
> > SnakeCase.format(PascalCase.parse("MyPascalString")); // returns
> > My_Pascal_String
> > CamelCase.format(SnakeCase.parse("my_snake_string")); // returns
> > mySnakeString
> > KebabCase.format(CamelCase.parse("myCamelString")); // returns
> > my-Camel-String
> > //Note that kebab and snake do not alter the alphabetic case of the
> tokens,
> > as they are essentially case agnostic joining, according to this
> > implementation. Though this can be overridden by end users.
> >
> > The API has one core interface: Case, which has format and parse methods.
> > There is a single abstract implementation of it -
> AbstractConfigurableCase
> > - which is a configuration driven way to create a case pattern. It has
> > enough options to accommodate the 4 popular cases, and thus the
> subclasses
> > just have to configure these options rather than implement them directly.
> > Any further extensions can override or extend the api as necessary.
> >
> > There are five core concrete implementations:
> >
> > PascalCase
> > CamelCase (extends PascalCase)
> > DelimitedCase
> > KebabCase (extends DelimitedCase)
> > SnakeCase (extends DelimitedCase)
> >
> > Each has a static INSTANCE field to avoid redundant instantiation.
> >
> > Some of my reasoning / concerns...
> >
> > * I considered bundling all of this logic into static methods, similar to
> > CaseUtils, but that prevents the user from truly customizing or extending
> > the code for odd cases. This approach is, in my opinion, far easier to
> > understand, extend, and debug.
> > * I believe the parsing side should potentially have a loose / strict
> mode,
> > in that the logic can ignore non-critical rules on the parsing side. e.g.
> > the command CamelCase.parse("MyString") should work, even though the
> input
> > is not strictly camel case. Strict parsing would ensure (if possible)
> that
> > the input abides by all elements of the format.
> > * I'm still unsure about how best to handle reserved characters when
> > translating. e.g. How should
> > KebabCase.format(PascalCase.parse("MyPascal-String")) handle the hyphen?
> > Should the kebab case strip the reserved character from the token values?
> >
> > Long story short - is this worth pursuing in the form of a pull request
> for
> > review? Or is it out of scope for commons-text?
> >
> > Dan
> --
> Elliotte Rusty Harold
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