Even I like git and use it daily, I will vote +0,5.

Why other apache projects need to have their own commons-csv
repackaged release? why tomcat need to use a svn:external on dbcp
instead of a released version? why servicemix need to repackage all
commons jar to have proper osgi bundles?

I simply believe moving to git won't fix those problems about the too
complicated release process which scare folks here to try releasing a
So no release happen at the end....

On 11 October 2013 01:50, James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
> All,
> We have had some great discussions about moving our SCM to Git.  I
> think it's time to put it to a vote.  So, here we go:
> +1 - yes, move to Git
> -1 - no, do not move to Git
> The vote will be left open for 72 hours.  Go!
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Olivier Lamy
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