> On Oct 10, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Olivier Lamy <ol...@apache.org> wrote:
> Even I like git and use it daily, I will vote +0,5.
> Why other apache projects need to have their own commons-csv
> repackaged release? why tomcat need to use a svn:external on dbcp
> instead of a released version? why servicemix need to repackage all
> commons jar to have proper osgi bundles?
> I simply believe moving to git won't fix those problems about the too
> complicated release process which scare folks here to try releasing a
> component!!
> So no release happen at the end....
I agree that the release process is certainly a problem; but the big problem 
IMO is just too many components for too few really active committers.  Once we 
actually have something ready to release, we have generally been able to fumble 
our way through the process.  The problem is getting there.  

I think the best thing we can do is focus on getting some things ready for 
release.  I will help on pool, DBCP, math.  I won't rob Mark of the oppty to rm 
pool2, but will help ;). All are welcome to join the fun cleaning up the docs 
and other loose ends on that and then dbcp2.  

Who wants to step up to drive some other things  to release?

>> On 11 October 2013 01:50, James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> We have had some great discussions about moving our SCM to Git.  I
>> think it's time to put it to a vote.  So, here we go:
>> +1 - yes, move to Git
>> -1 - no, do not move to Git
>> The vote will be left open for 72 hours.  Go!
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> -- 
> Olivier Lamy
> Ecetera: http://ecetera.com.au
> http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
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