+1 (binding) we already have the mirrors for all proper components, so we probably will only have to deal with sandbox and the site/build stuff. I'll help where I can.
2013/10/10 James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com> > All, > > We have had some great discussions about moving our SCM to Git. I > think it's time to put it to a vote. So, here we go: > > +1 - yes, move to Git > -1 - no, do not move to Git > > The vote will be left open for 72 hours. Go! > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org > For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org > > -- http://people.apache.org/~britter/ http://www.systemoutprintln.de/ http://twitter.com/BenediktRitter http://github.com/britter