-1 (binding), it's a big change, so let's try Mark's idea of one
component first.

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 10/10/2013 15:50, James Carman wrote:
>> All,
>> We have had some great discussions about moving our SCM to Git.  I
>> think it's time to put it to a vote.  So, here we go:
>> +1 - yes, move to Git
>> -1 - no, do not move to Git
>> The vote will be left open for 72 hours.  Go!
> -1. I'm not convinced that the implications have been fully thought
> through (the web site has to remain on svn for example) nor that this
> migration will solve the problems it aims to solve.
> I'd be much happier with doing a trial with one component first before
> starting a wholesale migration.
> Mark
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