On Sun, Nov 17, 2024 at 02:06:12PM -0700, Charles Curley wrote:
On Sun, 17 Nov 2024 17:39:36 +0000
"Russell L. Harris" <russ...@rlharris.org> wrote:

I have here a spare machine.  In the hope of resolving the matter in
the company of experts, I propose to do another installation of
Debian, using netinst with the "expert" option.

Possibly this is overkill. Try shutting down your browser, then moving
aside your browser configuration directory (i.e. renaming it), then
starting up your browser again. This will usually force the browser to
re-initialize everything.

With the approx server, reinstallation is quick, and this being a
spare machine, there is no need to install a bunch of packages and set
up the desktop.  Anyway, the installation is complete, and now I have
a pristine installation, but the problem remains.  I am all ears.

The only customization I made was to install xfce rather than gnome.

I am using the browser (Firefox ESR) which was installed automatically
with the desktop (xfce).

For the installation (inside the LAN), the ip address was  That resulted in a blank screen for chewy.com.

Now I connected the machine direct to the ISP-supplied modem, and used
auto-configuration, reporting an ip address of  This
also results in a blank screen for chewy.com.  But arcamax.com
displays properly.

wooledge.org/myip.cgi reports an ip of


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