
On Sun, Nov 17, 2024 at 09:30:20AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 17, 2024 at 09:34:00 +0000, debian-u...@howorth.org.uk wrote:
> > I was the 'guy in England', but that's irrelevant because the problem
> > there was sites that were discriminating based on the user-agent string
> > supplied by the browser. Here it's simply a question of whether the
> > browser has javascript enabled. Same symptoms, completely different
> > cause.
> Except the OP in this thread claims he has never disabled Javascript
> (didn't even know what that *meant*), and in fact does not yet know
> what's causing the problem.

In OP's first post they were talking like it was generally accepted
wisdom that a lot of web sites just don't work with Debian, so I did
reply to correct that, as that is not my experience. The rest of OP's
issues I did not comment on as it seems like it's going to be really
difficult to get to the bottom of this.

The other times I have seen things like this have been when assets like
javascript and CSS from remote URLs have been blocked by my browser for
whatever reason.

So, if OP is using things like pihole or adblockers that can happen. If
there is some reason why their Debian machine can't reach some hosts
that their Windows one can then that can happen.

It is likely that the debug console of Firefox (for example) would list
remote assets that have been blocked by the browser or failed to
download, but I am not up to talking OP through that.

Anyway, as I think we all mostly agree, there is some misconfiguration
going on here that is causing OP's web browsing experience on Debian to
be compromised.


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