> Debian machines are on the 192.168.1.xxx network. I keep a W10 > machine on the 192.168.2.x network, primarily to access the chewy.com > web site which, since about June, serves my Debian machines a blank > white page.
I've been thinking about this some more, and I'd like to try to list all the ways the OP might have caused this to fail. We start by observing that nobody else has been able to reproduce the OP's failure. Several people (including myself) have responded saying that chewy.com works just fine for them from a Debian web browser. So, the problem appears to be unique to the OP's setup. What could cause this? * Wrong browser. We don't know which browser the OP is using primarily; in a follow-up, they said they've tried Firefox, Chromium, and Brave. Other people have reported that it works in Firefox and Chrome. * Browser configuration. The OP might have installed an add-on that's interfering with this site, or they might have changed a setting. A few people have suggested that the OP try a pristine browser profile, or a pristine user account with no customizations. * Firewall. The OP mentions separate networks. It's unclear whether the configuration of the router/firewall is different between the two networks. A firewall could be blocking traffic to some web server(s) that are needed to render this site, or there could be a misbehaving proxy, etc. Moving the Debian host to the other network might be a quick way to test this. * DNS blocking. Some people edit their /etc/hosts files to prevent connections to various hosts, and then they often forget they've done this. The OP might want to check whether their /etc/hosts file has been modified. Or, if the Debian system is running its own nameserver, the nameserver's configuration should be checked (or temporarily switch the local nameserver to the one used by the Windows systems). Anything else?