On 18/11/2024 09:47, Russell L. Harris wrote:
On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 09:18:27AM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
You may try to open Web Developer Tools (under "More tools" in the
hamburger menu, [F12] or [Ctrl+Shift+I]).
Are there any errors in Console ([Ctrl+Shift+K])?
A bunch. Too many for me to type.
Right click on any entry allows to copy or to save all messages. (A
hint: http://paste.debian.net/)
The Network tab ([Ctrl+Shif+E]) is another source of insights, but it
requires some experience. What is the status of first record after
reload (Initiator: document)? Are many other resources loaded?
429 GET www.chewy.com / document html 4.23 kB 574 B
"429 Too Many Requests
The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (rate
Either you or some other users of the same provider send too many
requests. Some pages tries to reload themselves when cookies, JS or
other resources are blocked by add-ons or browser settings.
For Firefox the authoritative source is about:networking#dns rather
than /etc/resovl.conf since DNS over HTTPS is likely enabled by
default. There is about:networking#dnslookuptool for queries.
I see a page with 20 or 30 lines.
The entry for www.chewy.com is the most important to determine whether
some DNS service blocks access to the site by sending another IP in