On Sat, Nov 16, 2024 at 04:28:59AM +0000, Russell L. Harris wrote:
> Debian machines are on the 192.168.1.xxx network.  I keep a W10
> machine on the 192.168.2.x network, primarily to access the chewy.com
> web site which, since about June, serves my Debian machines a blank
> white page.  Only one of the Debian machines is set up for mail.
> Now and then a mail message comes in to which I need to respond, but
> the response link typically is a URL consisting of dozens of
> characters, and it is the URL of a chewy.com web site or another web
> site which is hostile to Debian.
> Is there an easy way to send the message (or just the URL) to the
> Window$ machine?

My Linux machine always has an open SSH port. The windows command
line box (aka console) is preposterous (what is not, in Windows?),
but better than in older versions. And they have an SSH client.

So what I do is ssh into my Linux box. Sometimes, I even run an
Emacs client in that.

This covers my needs, including copy-pasta (what else is that other
operating system good for, anyway?) of things in Windows.

> Example URL:
> https://clicks-paws.chewy.com/f/a/uBusczxQ2YB4qWyebLm8UA~~/AAQRxQA~/
> RgRpFi0ZP4TxAWh0dHBzOi8vbWVvdy5jaGV3eS5jb20vcC9jcC83NzIxMTI0YjA0NjYzYz

Jeez. They could send the whole web page content over that URL. I'd
cancel that service =:-o


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