>>>>> "GH" == Graham Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
GH> So that means that if I use a Debian-Lite install I can't ever upgrade GH> to a full installation from there? I missed the original post, but GH> keeping a dpkg/dselect around for the eventual upgrade to full Debian GH> (which may never occur) seems perfectly reasonable. *Dropping* the GH> newbie into dpkg/dselect is probably less so, but when they grow GH> conversant I see no reason to deny them dpkg/dselect, or to force them GH> to reinstall. Dropping them would be a bad idea. I think there might be easier to make something easier to start with. Like a program that just prompts for the role of the computer when you install it: What kind of workstation are you setting up? [ ] "normal" workstation [ ] Word processor (lyx/latex/emacs ... ) [ ] X-terminal [ ] ... Then behind each of these choices is a number og selected packages which is installed. Then tell the user that "if you want more control/configurability, you could try the dpkg/dselect tools provided" -- SSM - Stig Sandbeck Mathisen Trust the Computer, the Computer is your Friend -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .