On Thu, 7 Aug 1997, Lindsay Allen wrote:
> To get a feel for this, I made up what seemed to be a comfortable working > Debian and went through the excercise of creating it from a minimum set of > packages. The working Debian was just on 40 Mb and it needed only 8 Mb > of packages to produce this, as most files came from base1_3.tgz. [snip] > Here is the output of my dpkg --get-selections:- [snip] Very nice. Did these packages all configure without problems and "difficult" questions to answer? Here are some ideas for the remaining 72 Mb: The supposed audience for Debian-{Lite,Desktop,MagazineCover,Whatever} will probably want X (and giving them fvwm2-95 isn't such a bad idea either.) Would including only the vga-16, s3 and svga servers do? I figure these cover 95% of the market of new computers. If people have a different card they can run vga-16 and grab a better server when they are on the net. Speaking about the net, how about including dunc? It takes most of the work (and possible mistakes) out of the hands of the starter. Joost -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .