Lindsay Allen writes: > In other words the space required in round figures on a cdrom is 12 Mb for > the disk-i386 set plus 8Mb for my selection of packages, or 20 Mb. So > with 98 Mb available the is 78 Mb free to add other things.
One place where I can imagine that a small installation would be popular is on laptops. But for those to work well, you need (i) the apm package, and (ii) recompile the kernel to enable apm support. So I would suggest that among the "extra" stuff you'd want to have the kernel sources, the pcmcia module sources, and whatever it takes to compile them (gcc + ?). Another package that might be popular is leafnode, for maintaining a local news spool over a dialup line. (Or something similar.) This particular package is small, although its implications for disk usage are not. -- Olaf Weber -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .