Dear Carl,

> I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a Linux or Unix expert, but
> as an experienced software trainer and former network manager and
> customer support person, I hope I'd be able to contribute some
> experience with the thought processes of the non-expert.

Yes, please do.  We need as much feedback as possible.  Also we need to 
make everything as "baby proof" as possible.  I am sure that many users 
(including technical) appreciate this sort of setup (thought without 
loosing the flexibility one requires; that would be too "window'ish")
> I think people might be drifting away from the initial idea of the
> "Debian Lite" project, namely a small, very simple to install version
> with minimal admin and network tools, to be installed by newbies.
> Other things that have been suggested (like tailored distributions for
> game developers and programmers), while worthy ideas, aren't really
> related to the Lite idea.

Yes and no.  Lite could be one of the packaging configurations (why not
the test bed for this project).  This means that this particular package
configuration would be as you said: "a small, very simple to install
version with minimal admin and network tools, to be installed by newbies." 

It is just the means (technically speaking) to achieve that "lite" setup
that is important (in my opinion).  If it is something that is "hardcoded"
or hard to change etc problems would arise. 

My suggestion was only to make it modular allowing it to grow, and
therfore, not only serve the needs of "lite" users but also other power
users (such as developers etc).  Linux community seems to be very
diversified.  I think it would not be fair to just address the needs of
lite users (though I understand (and support) the priorities to make
Debian as user friendly and simple as possible). 

Also, I am sure that in the process of deciding what *is* "Lite" (or
whatever it will be called) you will find conflicting interests.  One user
might think "lite" needs to have "this" the other thinks "that" to be
better... and so on.  I bet you will need some sort of final "authority"
to eventually come up with a "lite" version.  Other distributions would
not have this problem as they decide what is "lite" and what is not
"lite".  In debian we have everyone deciding...(or at least "lobbying" 
;-)  ).

This is why I think flexibility is important.

Ok. My point is Debian "lite" can and should be given priority. 
Nevertheless the mechanism to get a lite version should be as flexible,
scalable and modular as possible to allow other Linux users (such as
developers) to have their own "lite" too (as well as other benefits like
frozen know "sane" configurations, etc etc). 

I really don't see this affecting Lite but rather supporting it. 

> I'd be glad to help out with the Debian Lite project, if asked.

Well I am too like you just a contributor. :-) I really enjoy the Linux
(and the Debian distribution) spirit.  I think if we keep it this way
(which once it grows might be harder as ppl *will* try to snatch it) it
will be a great OS!!! (well my opinion)

All the best!


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