Hello ppl, I have been (quitely) reading the Debian project thread and I was wondering whether the following is possible.
Why do we have to limit ourselves to debian-lite or any such subset of Debian? Is it not possible to have some sort of pre-packaged configuration files, that you load with dselect for example and installs all the components as specified in that package configuration? Like this we could have Debian for begginers, for programmers, for game programmers, for students, for home users, for.... you name it. Everyone could contribute packaging configuration (including customized ones) and dselect (or a new tool if dselect is not suitable) would just ensure all those packages within the package configuration "work together" (dependencies etc). Some standard package configurations would be available and "tested and supported" by Debian... others contributed. Also users can "backup" a certain working state of their sytems into a packaging configuration file wich could then be used to reinstall (add, delete, etc) to that particular configuration. In this way you only have to choose a certain "overall" system (e.g single home user) and the utility (e.g dselect or whatever) does the rest (getting the individual packages pertaining to that packaging configuration)! Of course you can add/substract and have all the current power of customization of Debian if you so desire... Your comments :-) Regards, David -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .